11,200 years ago - First record of human settlement in the Carson River basin.
Before the white man’s arrival, the Washoe people inhabited the upper watershed region and the Northern Paiute people lived in the lower watershed.
John C. Fremont and his expedition guide, Kit Carson, come upon the Carson River in Lahontan Valley.
Marlette Water System created to provide water for Virgnia City, Gold Hill, and Silver City, and is still a major source of water to these communities.
1903 - 1914
Construction of Lahontan Dam and Truckee Canal, known as the Newlands Project, the first US Bureau of Reclamation project.
1937 - Major flooding occurs
East Fork near Carson Valley flows at 12,000 cfs and Cradlebaugh bridge under 18 inches of water.
Carson Water Subconservancy District forms as part of the Federal Washoe Project.
1977 - Drought year of record. 42,278 acre feet of water measured at Carson river system.
1983 - Wettest Year on Record
825,323 acre feet of water measured at Carson City in the river system, nearly 20 times more than in 1977.
1997 - Most severe and extensive flood on record
East Fork flows at 20,000 cfs.
2007 - The Carson River Watershed Adaptive Stewardship Plan adopted by CWSD
Bison Fire started by lightning on western slope of the Pine Nut Range in Douglas County, burning 24,136 acres.
Alluvial fan flash flooding occurs in Douglas County and Carson City after severe summer thunderstorms.
Brenda Hunt Speaks at the 20-Year CRC Celebration
2018: 20-Year Carson River Coalition Celebration
On June 22, 2018, more than 100 Carson River Coalition (CRC) partners converged on The Nature Conservancy’s River Fork Ranch in Minden, Nevada to celebrate the CRC’s 20th anniversary. The confluence of the Carson River’s East and West Forks symbolized CRC partners coming together from all corners of the watershed to celebrate 20 years of collaboration.