Diviértete explorando la Cuenca del Río Carson: ¡Una línea que conecta a nuestras comunidades!  El Mapa de la Cuenca del Río Carson está disponible aquí para poder descargarla.

Haz clic a continuación y explora los lugares, la vida y las

actividades en la Cuenca del Río Carson.

Haz clic a continuación y explora la historia

          de la Cuenca del Río Carson.


Back of the Map

Nevada Academic Content Standards by grade level:

The Carson River Explore Your Watershed map can be incorporated into your curriculum and directly correlate to the Nevada Academic Content Standards to meet specific needs in each grade level.  The Carson River Watershed Map is currently being aligned with the Nevada Academic Content Standards (NACS).   The standards that are applicable are listed by grade level below, however, we only have the 5th grade completed to date. They are linked to the Nevada Department of Education website for more information.  We have included an example curriculum for 5th grade. If you are a teacher and would like to volunteer to help us align the map to the NACS, we welcome your involvement.  Email Brenda@cwsd.org.We hope you enjoy exploring your watershed!


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First Grade

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Second Grade

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Third Grade

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Fourth Grade

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Fifth Grade

Earth & Space
Science Standards:
Math: English Language Arts: History: Geography:
5ESS2 MP2  W5.7 H3.5.5 G5.5.3
5ESS3 MP4  W5.8 H1.5.1 G5.5.5
5GA2  W5.9 H1.5.2
3-5ETS1-2  RI5.7 H1.5.3
3-5.0A  SL5.5