Traveltime Data for Truckee River Between Tahoe City, California, & Marble Bluff Dam Near Nixon, Nevada, 1999
Water-Related Scientific Activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Nevada, Fiscal Years 1997 and 1998
Water-Quality Characteristics and Nutrient and Suspended-Sediment Loads, Carson River and Truckee Canal, Western Nevada, Water Year 1980
Trace-Element Enrichment in Streambed Sediment & Crayfish, Carson & Truckee Rivers, Nevada & California
Water Budgets and Potential Effects of Land and Water-Use Changes for Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada, and Alpine County, California
Sources of Phosphorus to the Carson River Upstream from Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada and California, Water years 2001-2
Quantification of the Contribution of Nitrogen from Septic Tanks to Ground Water in Spanish Springs Valley, Nevada