Hydrologic Data for Water Years 1978-79 Used in Daily Flow-Routing & River-Operations Models for the Upper Carson River Basin, California & Nevada
Hydrologic Data for Water Years 1978-97 in Daily Flow – Routing and River – Operations Models for the Upper Carson River Basin, California and Nevada
Mercury & Suspended Sediment, Carson River Basin, Nevada-Loads To & From Lahontan Reservoir in Flood Year 1997 & Deposition in Reservoir Prior to 1983
Geologic Framework & Groundwater Conditions in Basin-Fill Aquifers of the Dayton Valley & Churchill Valley Hydrographic Areas, Western Nevada
Field Verification Study of Water Quality, Bottom Sediment, and Biota Associated with Irrigation Drainage in and near Humoldt Wildlife Management Area, Churchill and Pershing Counties, Nevada, 1996
Geohydrology & Simulated Response to Groundwater Pumpage in Carson Valley, A River-Dominated Basin in Douglas County, Nevada, and Alpine County, California
Hydrogeology & Geochemistry of the Fallon Basalt & Adjacent Aquifers, & Potential Sources of Basalt Recharge, in Churchill County, Nevada